2024 Crash Course Tutorial
We have created a new tutorial covering basic concepts & strategies in VISUALZ.
Welcome to Visuals. We're going to cover some basic strategies and concepts. In this tutorial, we'll be making this matrix themed audio reactive set that looks like this with music for people and okay, let's get into it. We'll start with discussing the audio input. So in your track settings you can select your audio input for that track. Any input on your computer will be available for desktop audio.
For desktop audio you'll need a loopback app like Black Hole or a loopback hardware device like a scarlet red box. I use black hole. You can also add your own audio to a track. In the track settings. We're going to add a song. You can play that on the audio player. We'll set Black Hole as our audio source since we want desktop audio and you can see that coming through in the upper right.
Visuals hierarchy is designed as a set of tracks and then scenes or clips within those tracks. So we'll start by adding some content. We have a bunch of Matrix style clips here. We'll drag and drop them into the app.
Now we'll discuss audio reactive transitioning. By default Visuals is set to transition scenes every four beat detection events. The beat detection is primarily based on volume amplitude, which you can see happening in the upper right hand corner. If you want the scenes to transition faster. Select every one beat and then if you want it slower, select a higher number all the way up to 64 beats. Audio transitioning will begin when you hit the play button.
Okay, so now we'll go ahead and get into the effects. There are track fx which apply to the entire track, and scene fx which apply to just that scene. We'll start with color overlay. What we want to do is just on this specific scene, we're going to add some red. We're going to make it strobe and we're going to slow it down.
Another thing that's useful is replicating a clip. Click on the clip or scene's settings. Click replicate clip. So I want to have one of these normal, and one of these with the red. Okay.
In our track effects, which apply to all scenes of this track. We're going to put another color overlay white until it only reacts on the peak. So when the beat peaks, you'll see white flash. However The red color overlay on this scene is going to override the white color overlay on the track. So you only see that white flash on other scenes,
Ok let's start the song over and see how that looks. We're going into the image adjustments in the track effects, turn that on. We'll desaturated it a bit. And then due to the fact it's the matrix theme, we're going to turn on trails, but turn the intensity way down and set the audio reactive setting to react.
I want this to be more red. There we go. We could add some bloom, or glow, to this specific scene to make it brighter.
Okay, let's see what this looks like. Okay. I think we're going to want to kind of unify the color scheme on everything. There we go. Everything is a bit more green. Except for that scene which is red. I liked it better with more saturation. Now let's see. That's pretty sweet.